Your primary Dosha is Kapha
Kapha Dosha is responsible for physical form and lubrication. The more kapha you have, the more substantial and stronger your body form.
Dosha Characteristics
Stable, responsible, generous Possessive, silent, hesitant
Build & Proportions
Graceful, rolling, gentle Cannot be rushed or hurried
Soft, quiet, few words, from heart Silence, lack of appreciation or disapproval
Thick, full, well hydrated Oily, sweats easily, puffiness
What unbalances Kapha Dosha?
Sleeping or sitting home too much
Eating then sleeping immediately
Comfort eating
Living in cold damp climate
Unable to let go of negative feelings
Suggestions to help balance Kapha Dosha
Find a type of exercise you enjoy and do it regularly
Eat foods that are light, warm or dry
Get out, get involved
Dry brush or exfoliate your body daily
Invite excitement